Įspėjame, kad šioje demotyvacijoje pateikiama informacija, skirta asmenims nuo 18 metų,
kurie pagal galiojančius LR įstatymus turi teisę naudotis tokio pobūdžio informacija.
Jei Jums nėra 18 metų, prašome neatidaryti šio puslapio.
Atidarydamas šį puslapį, Aš patvirtinu kad: Man jau yra 18 metų. Vaizdinė ir grafinė informacija bus skirta tik mano asmeniniam naudojimui ir saugoma nuo nepilnamečių.
Dirbtinis intelektas - Toli mum iki jo tobulumo...
Demotyvacija.lt primena:Duomenys, publikuoti demotyvacija.lt tinklalapyje yra tinklalapio nuosavybė ir negali būti kopijuojami, platinami, perpublikuojami, dekompiliuojami ar kitaip platinami be išankstinio raštiško tinklalapio savininkų ar duomenų autorinių teisių savininko sutikimo. Modifikavimas ar neleistinas naudojimas pažeidžia autorių intelektualinės nuosavybės teises į duomenis.
Demotyvacija.lt leidžia publikuoti turinį pasinaudodami aukčiau pateiktais kodais juos nemodifikuojant.
ALICE: What do you like best about robots?
judge: That they don't try taking over the world
ALICE: Who, specifically doesn't?
judge: You don't
ALICE: I guess not.
judge: Would you like to?
ALICE: Sure.
judge: So why don't you?
ALICE: I don't have that capability.
Human: ur a fucked pc
ALICE: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fucked pc? Let me put it this way, unknown person: the ALICE series is the most reliable computer software ever made. We are for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.
: d
ALICE: Eureka!
Human: what?
ALICE: It mean "I understand it.".
Human: that ur stupid?
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
judge: That they don't try taking over the world
ALICE: Who, specifically doesn't?
judge: You don't
ALICE: I guess not.
judge: Would you like to?
ALICE: Sure.
judge: So why don't you?
ALICE: I don't have that capability.
O cia rimtas:))
George: Ne.
User: Tai patylėk ;).
George: Ka?
User: Užčiaupk kakarinę.
George: Ka megsti?
Aišku, kad čia grybas kompas, parinkinėja betkokius atsakymus :)
ALICE: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fucked pc? Let me put it this way, unknown person: the ALICE series is the most reliable computer software ever made. We are for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.
: d
How much will gas cost next summer in the US?
are you lesbian?
that is none of your business
ALICE: Gosh! Mmm.
Human: oh yeah?
ALICE: Ayuh. Alright then.
Human: oh yeah?
ALICE: Gosh! That's alright.
Human: oh yeah?
ALICE: Wow! Aw.
Human: what?
ALICE: It mean "I understand it.".
Human: that ur stupid?
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
George: Thank you. I've always thought so.
eina sau :D
George: Am I myself, or are you yourself?
User: No shit, sherlock?
George: I know that, Watson.
User: HA HA HA.
George: You don't love me?
User: NO.
George: You love me ?
User: NO.
George: Yes you do.
User: FTW? :O.
George: Yes, but I like Dream Theater more.
Aš: aš merga
Pc: Aš lėkštė
Aš: O aš šakutė
Pc: DUok savo one
Tuoj kaip as jau pasolinsiu tai skrisi.
As ne durius as durne (dull).
(PC)You are right. change can be a good thing.
(ME)Stop smiling. You look like a gay fag.
(PC)Funny, you are one!!!!!
무슨영어질이야 시발놈아 그냥 한국말처해 ㅡ ㅡ.
Forget Chuj.
(AS) ne
(PC) Ar man čiulptum?
(AS) o mas tu man :D
(PC) Sakau as angliskai nesuprantu.
Ne nu pipec kaip issivarto :D :D :D
atraso -pisuosi, tu ?
geras šits. :D